How To Be More Assertive!

Lin Watchorn
4 min readJun 14, 2024

Many of us are guilty of being passive, Aggressive, Or passive-aggressive. Being assertive is in short supply these days. Often, people are extremely angry before they bring up something that’s bothering them. So when they finally do, It’s an explosion of rage that leaves the other person sitting there confused. Or they’ll just sort of hint at what they want or make a passive-aggressive comments. Instead of just being constructive in conversation and explaining what they want. And potentially setting boundaries when it’s something a little bit more serious. Just like anything else in life, being assertive is something that requires some practice.

Use “I” language.

This can help prevent you from blaming the other person, because as soon as you start blaming the other person and they feel attacked, they’re gonna get defensive and you guys don’t really get anything done. It could also escalate the argument until you both become flooded or become aggressive.

Also, when you blame the other person, it has a tendency to potentially damage the relationship, where when you’re assertive you’re less likely to cause any damage. But you’re still getting your overall point across.

When you are passive, you’ll gradually grow resentful because you’re not bringing up the things that bother you. So that person has no idea, they continue…



Lin Watchorn

Hello! My Name Is Lin Watchorn (Green Cow Land) I’m a self employed Artist, Author and Blogger! Check out my Merch Here