Brutal Truths About Relationships

Lin Watchorn
5 min readJun 13, 2024

Social media paints this silly little picture of how relationships “should” look. We also see the same crap in movies and tv. Many people throw away an excellent relationship because it doesn’t match the comparisons they made to some media they watched.

Love is not always enough
Love is an amazing feeling. But, unfortunately, love is not always enough. There will be arguments and disagreements. You will have to work hard to make your relationship work. Nothing is guaranteed to work out just because you love someone. Your relationship will not be successful if you are not compatible. It is important to be with someone you can be yourself with and share common interests with. Making a relationship work can be very difficult if you’re not on the same page.

Love can be a complicated emotion. Many people assume that’s the feeling you get during the honeymoon period but that’s the feeling long after. Just because you don’t get butterflies anymore doesn’t mean there is an issue with your relationship.

Communication is key
Communication is key in any relationship, whether romantic, friendship, or professional. It is the foundation that allows two…



Lin Watchorn

Hello! My Name Is Lin Watchorn (Green Cow Land) I’m a self employed Artist, Author and Blogger! Check out my Merch Here